

Baby time was quite the roller coaster. We went from check-up to ambulance/c-section to hospital to stable conditions to induction to baby and back again.  Kaela, Dash and I are all extremely grateful for all the help everyone gave us. For the food, the car, the living arrangements, the money, the time, the clothes, the pictures, the prayers, the concern, the support and all around just being there for us. Besides engaging in the parenting learning curve, I feel we got a true taste of what life and family is really all about. I don't know what we would have done without all of you. It's such a blessing to have so much reassurance and support from the family units! You all are so wonderful and we just love you all so very much! 

The price to pay for sleepless nights and a bundle of joy.

Delivery room... aka baby time!

Mr. Incredible himself. Little Dash

His very first dog tags. Boy Judd

Recovery time. Still has her beautiful attitude :)

Watch out my friend that thing could crush your skull.

Life support.

Backup life support.

Who needs a rubber ducky anyways?

This is probably what it was like inside her tummy.

Bath No.1 - positive experience

Family support group.

Auntie Whitney showin some love.



Recently, I was exposed to a picture of a man planking across the overhead storage compartments in an airplane. The image hit me like the smell of cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven, it was just enough to spark my interest and make me salivate. To quench my interest I did a little google research and was thoroughly convinced that I needed to give it a try. Soon after, Kaela and I got some friends together and we began our very first planking session!!

 Window-well plank
The mettle hurt my shins too much so i had to take the four-head/thigh approach.

Fridge plank 

Tree branch plank 

Small wagon plank 

Building to shop plank 
*plus random background pose 

Mailbox plank

Stacked handrail plank  

Trash-bin plank
+1000 points for being prego. Good work Kaela 

 Decorative fence to brick wall plank

Car plank

Hand puppet heart


Oh yes....Llama Fest

 Let it be known that Kaela and I are completely infatuated with the Alpaca species, also known as....the Llama. Naturally we found our way to the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork for Llama Fest 2011.
Our first time at Llama fest was no doubt the birth of a life long tradition.

 There is no smile like the smug toothless smile that emulates from the majestic llama.

Don't get too close Whitney, they spit... silly llama.

Those familiar with llama folk lore will remember that it's been said that those familiar with the baby llama will soon find a small one of their own... very interesting. 

Campbell Soup


Nothing better then a swift ride on the wheelers in the middle of hunting season. Orange anyone?
They say that wrestling on a log is good exercise for pregnant women. Who would have thought.

The Hagloch-Judd connection. Keaton and April

Intriguing, lets take a closer look... 

Women of the wilderness know no restraints. They have no bounds.

Don't mess with us Sasquatch...

Just trying to raise a little awareness.

I think a parade ought to do it.

Happiness is reserved for those who have plugged noses.



They say that shoving Chex up you nose and holding a pretzel in your
 mouth helps you stay awake when you drive long distances

Late night, tired and camera in hand. Enjoy..

Laundry doing to the extreme!

Contemplating doing a roundhouse kick with her 7.5 Vans within
 my 10.5 Sperrys on. Take a close look.

The muscles in Ben's arms are no match for his legs. He is the champion of uphill climbing

Pre-adventure warm up 

The Gordan's boulder. Though solitary and unmoving, it brings joy to those of us who dream of 
quarter inch crimps and palm scraping slopers. Climb on she says, climb on. 

One of the hidden treasures of Ephraim. Oh yes, an arch.

Quality time with the snuggle bug.

If you can't beat them, join um'.

The hotdog marshmallow combo. Nice..

Never mind the dirty faces, greasy fingers and half eaten hotdog. Aunt Kaela makes for a good time.

Not many can say they have taken a ride in the one and only Storm Trooper. In this 
case it was a privilege to be with my wife.

A little mountaineering fun at Spring Hill

Cold hands, snow drifts and a good time. That what we found.

Peanut butter cup s'more with the lover

He's looking fresh in his new streamline wedding apparel. It's the one and only
 Justin Woodmansee, day of the wedding. Do work son.

Sweet sweet bow ties, suspenders and DI shoes with tassels. What more could I ask for? 

Groomsmen at their best.

Reception mug shot. Done and done.

A little night time dip after hours. Well done Andy and Jon, thanks for the good time.
A little inter-family connection. Congratulations to the skulls-on-my-bow-tie
 (oh yes, no graduation hood can hide the awesomeness) doctor of Pharmacy  
Happiness all around..